Monday, January 29, 2007

Smart Habit Saturday

I have made my bed every morning for two whole weeks for SHS. I didn't want to start a new habit last week but I'm going to start one this week. I'm going to start changing my baby's wet diaper at least once a day till she's potty trained. I'm going to do it because it sounds easy and my mother will be so happy that I won't have to pick another habit for a whole year probably.

So once a day i am going to change the baby's diaper whenever my mom asks me to.
Check out my new joes goals in my side bar!


An Ordinary Mom said...

I am sure your mother will be very pleased with your new goal!

Julie Q. said...

Congrats on the bedmaking thing. Be sure to pat yourself on the back for me.

Hey, you should read Ethan's blog again. He's got a new post and he's always happy to get a visitor. He's at